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PDF2Office 4.0 Professional Portable


Компания Recosoft выпустила четвертую версию своего приложения PDF2Office Professional, которое позволяет с наименьшими затратами усилий и времени превратить документ PDF в полностью редактируемый файл MS Word, PowerPoint или RTF. Как показывает практика, решение бывает незаменимо в тех случаях, когда надо исправить пришедшие документы, а Adobe Acrobat под рукой отсутствует. Достаточно точные алгоритмы позволяют добиться высокого попадания в оригинальную разметку, хотя в некоторых случаях и наблюдаются определенные сдвиги. Согласно пресс-релизу разработчиков, версия PDF2Office Professional 4.0 включает более трех сотен улучшений, среди которых полная совместимость с Office 2008, экспорт в формат HTML, повышенная точность распознания таблиц и элементов форматирования.

PDF2Office Professional
The PDF document conversion tool! Converts PDF documents into Word, PowerPoint, RTF, HTML and other formats instantly!

PDF2Office is a comprehensive PDF document conversion and data extraction tool.
PDF2Office converts PDF documents into fully editable Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, RTF, AppleWorks*1, HTML and other files recreating the original construction and layout of the document.

-- PDF2Office forms paragraphs; applies styles; regroups independent graphics elements; extracts images; creates tables; processes headers/footers; endnotes/footnotes and columns/sections, all automatically — without any intervention.
— PDF2Office integrates seamlessly with Microsoft® Word, allowing you to directly open PDF documents within Microsoft® Word.
— PDF2Office provides options for converting a range of pages in a PDF document into popular office format documents as well as image*1 types such as JPEG, Photoshop, PNG and TIFF. Furthermore, it offers the capability to extract images from specific pages within a PDF document.
— PDF2Office also provides a powerful batch conversion facility for converting many files at once simply by targeting the folder they are in.
— PDF2Office sports an easy-to-use interface that allows you to set the target type on a file-by-file basis. To facilitate the conversion process, PDF2Office even provides layout preview*1 and navigation*1 of a PDF document within the application itself enabling you to identify which pages to extract.
— PDF2Office allows you to recover the contents stored in PDF documents making it available for use by the most popular software titles. Since PDF2Office is a standalone tool, it is not necessary to acquire and install additional PDF editing software and tools, resulting in huge cost savings in both time and money.

PDF2Office Professional v4.0: Windows Version: Features
Convert to Word Processing file — Specify Processing Options, Advanced Options and Font Substitution
>> Convert to Presentation File — Create slideshows instantly and specify image resolution and other options
>> Image Extraction — Specify grouping of images, compression and resolution settings
>> Convert to Web Page Format — Specify HTML output options
>> Document Inspector — View meta-data and fonts used in a PDF file

Scope of Conversion
PDF2Office takes a PDF document and performs the following processing — 1. Forms Paragraphs and applies indentations (justification is set to left)
2. Applies text styles and retains font information (or font mapping is performed)
3. Constructs Page properties such as Margins and Page breaks where appropriate
4. Matches Headers and Footers where possible
5. Interpolates Columns and Section breaks
6. Forms Endnotes/Footnotes
7. Identifies and Creates Tables
8. Regroups intersecting and overlapping Graphics
9. Processes all images (except JBIG/JPEG2000 format) and re-groups intersecting sliced images

Document File — Export Formats
Microsoft® Word 97/98 — 2003/2004 (Windows/Macintosh)
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 97/98 — 2003/2004 (Windows/Macintosh)
RTF (Windows/Macintosh)
Unicode UTF-8/16 (Windows/Macintosh)
Text (Windows/Macintosh)
QuickTime Image
Silicon Graphics

Note: PDF2Office strictly honors the security settings of a PDF document.

Home: http://www.recosoft.com/products/pdf2office/
Size/Размер: 8,55 МБ



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